Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions
What is Swedish Edtest?
Swedish Edtest is an arena where educators and edtech companies meet to easily and systematically choose, evaluate and develop digital teaching materials and learning resources. The tests take place during educators’ usual teaching practice and are grounded in a method developed together with Anna Åkerfeldt, who holds a PhD in Didactics.
What is the goal of Swedish Edtest?
Swedish Edtest aims to increase the digital competencies of educators by supporting them through a qualitative testing process. To give teachers and educators a tool to easily choose and evaluate the digital learning resources they need in their practise.
Furthermore, we work to strengthen the needs-based development of digital learning resources and to build a strong, sustainable and scientifically robust digital education sector.
How does Swedish Edtest work?
The process begins with educators and institution owners identifying their and their students’ needs. Interested companies register their interest. Companies and educators are matched and a test environment is created.
Those who participate in the process decide how long the test period will be and how many users will participate. The testbed’s common, science-based, testmethod is used during the tests. After every test, an evaluation takes place and relevant data from the test is saved in the testbed. The company receives a evaluating report to use as part of further product development. A company’s product can be tested simultaneously by several participants at different times.
Swedish Edtest provides support throughout the whole process.
Who can join?
To join the arena you need to be a member of either Ifous (educators) or Swedish Edtech Industry (companies). Edtech companies can be startups as well as established companies, but the products being tested must be developed, launched and testable.
How do the tests provide results?
The digital learning resources are assessed by the educators with the help of a series of didactic and pedagogical-focused questions. The testing companies receive a report to use in the subsequent product innovation and needs-based development of their products. This process supports the constant improvement of the learning resources and the users digital competence. By using the method and associated questions, the testing educators’ ability to choose and evaluate digital learning resources is increased.
What academic collaborations do Swedish Edtest have?
Swedish Edtest collaborates with Linnaeus University, Stockholm University, Halmstad University, the Stockholm School of Economics and University College London (UCL).