Privacy Policy - GDPR

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Privacy Policy - GDPR

This is how we protect your personal data 

Your privacy is important to us and we follow the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that your information is handled in a safe and responsible way. 


Who is responsible for your personal data? 

Swedish Edtest is responsible for ensuring that all data and information gathered is handled and processed in accordance with current GDPR legislation. Such data is only collected to share information with anyone involved or interested in Swedish Edtest and / or to manage and run the programme itself. 


Who is responsible for personal data during a test? 

If personal data is collected by a digital service during a test, the lead contact at each institution is responsible for ensuring its safe use and a personal data agreement must be signed between the institution and the company. Wherever possible, we recommend the use of anonymous user accounts during a test to minimize the handling of personal data. 


What data does Swedish Edtest collect? 

When sending out newsletters, we only use the names and email addresses of those people who have agreed and signed up to receive them. No personal data or information is ever disclosed to third parties. 


All information relating to anyone participating in Swedish Edtest (e.g companies, institution contacts, educators etc) is handled in accordance with GDPR regulations. It is only used to administer the work of Swedish Edtest and will only be stored for the duration of your engagement with the programme. 



Anyone can at any time update their consent or request that their information is amended, corrected or deleted by Swedish Edtest. Just click here to make any changes. 


If you have any questions regarding your personal information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.